Monday, May 11, 2015

I'm posting today because it is Mother's Day and I want to talk about my amazing mom :)

I could say a lot of great things about my mom- her talent in music, her generosity, her devotion to family, etc. She is truly a Proverbs 31 woman.

But what I really want to say about my mother is how selflessly she gave to her children. 

She has always put her children above her own wants. She left her career to stay home and raise her children. 

This was a sacrifice in many ways- loss of another income, not going out to a job every day having a little time to yourself away from home, not getting to have a retirement, or even just the satisfaction of working for yourself. 

She sacrificed things in order to really be there for her kids. 

The thing is though, she desired to be at home being a full time mom raising her kids and getting to teach them and be there for all their "firsts". 

So she made that choice as soon as she could, and we have benefitted from it ever since.

My mother was always there. Any time I have a memory of childhood, she was there. She was my cheerleader, my supporter, my advisor, my example. She was- and still is- a listening ear and a loving hug. 

I cannot thank her enough for the sacrifices she made to really be with us kids every step of the way.

The most important thing she ever did was to teach her children to know and love the Lord. That is truly the most important thing any mother can do. 

My mother prayed with us and for us, and that continues to this day. 
She talked about the Lord with us. 
She read to us from the bible consistently as we were growing up. 
She did daily devotions with us. 
She was an example to us as we saw her having quiet bible time on her own every morning. 
As we got older she shared her struggles and how the Lord brought her through them.

She is such an example to me of a woman of character and faith.
The best mom is a praying mom. My mom did the best things any mother can do for her children. And for that I am so grateful.

And she did make the choice to give up a career to be at home with us, but another way to put it is that she simply found a better job.
Instead of making money, she made an investment in our lives.

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. 
 Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now." 
Philippians 1:3-5

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