Sunday, December 31, 2017

My grandma's sister looks like Kit.

This is a post for all my American Girl friends. :)
We were talking about the past, and my family loves Kit.  She lives in Cincinnati (like us) and it is so fun to see the Cincinnati references in her books, like for example the train station, Union Terminal, which was still actually a train station in Kit's day and is a wonderful museum we visit today.  
Mostly, we love it because of the Cincinnati-Eastern Kentucky connections. Kit has family in eastern Kentucky (like us) and she goes to visit down in eastern Kentucky (like us) and so we love her books- especially the ones where Aunt Millie is visiting or where they go to visit Aunt Millie- we love the parts in KY, it's like coming home!
Even Kit's name makes me think of my grandma. Kit's name is Margaret Mildred and my grandma's name is Maggie Marie. Kit was named after her mother and an aunt on her father's side. My grandma was named after her aunt on her father's side too. And both hated their names! LOL.
My grandma's little sister looks like Kit.
Her coloring was the same too....she had the bit of freckles Kit has...she had the same color hair...and the same exact color of her eyes...and she always wore her hair in the same hairstyle as Kit...and one more thing, she is named Grace which is Kit's dog's name, lol.
Here you go:

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